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Permanent Parliamentary Committee on GEWE

A Special Parliamentary Committee on Gender-Based Violence was established in 2020 by the 10th National Parliament with a broad mandate to inquire into issues related to GBV and to report back to the Parliament.


On 1 December 2022, the 11th Parliament established a Permanent Parliamentary Committee on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment which was designed to take over the work of the former Special Parliamentary Committee on GBV and to broaden out its efforts to improve the lives of women and girls across PNG. The Committee is now permanent, which means it will be re-established in every Parliament. The Committee has the power to hold public hearings and make reports back to the National Parliament. 


Parliamentary Committee Members


  • Chairman: Governor Powes Parkop, NCD

  • Deputy Chairman:  Governor Allan Bird, East Sepik Province

  • Member: Governor Rufina Peter, Central Province

  • Member: Hon. Marsh Narewec, Member for Wau Waria

  • Member: Hon. Ricky Morris, Member for Alotau

  • Member: Hon. William Bando, Member For Koroba Lake Kopiago

  • Member: Hon. MP Lohia Boe Samuel, Port Moresby North West 


Parliamentary Committee Terms of Reference


The Permanent Parliamentary Committee on GEWE and GBV shall have the mandate to:


  • Inquire into any proposed law or issues referred to the Committee by the National Parliament;


  • Review existing or proposed laws to asses their impact on gender equality, women’s empowerment or GBV and propose and promote law reforms as appropriate;


  • Provide oversight of the implementation of Government policies and programmes related to promoting GEWE and addressing GBV to ensure that Government resources are being used more effectively to address GEWE and GBV;


  • Provide oversight over the Government’s implementation of the National GBV Strategy (2016-2025) and inputs into any updated or new strategy after 2025, including the adequacy of the policy framework, coordination efforts, crisis response services, prevention activities, behaviour change activities, perpetrator programmes, GBV data collection and management and other related issues, across government departments, the Royal PNG Constabulary and related enforcement and prosecution services, the courts, provincial and local level governments, non-government organisations, community-based organisations, faith-based organisations, frontline service providers and the private sector;


  • Inquire into how women’s leadership can be more proactively supported by the Government, key national institutions such as the PNG Election Commission, Integrity of Political Parties and Candidates Commission, political parties and other stakeholders, including by examining options for implementing temporary special measures for women in Parliament;


  • Inquire into the Government’s policies and programmes to promote women’s economic empowerment, including in areas such as: supporting women in small and medium enterprises, supporting women in the informal sector, strengthening value and supply chains, financial literacy for women, facilitating micro-loans and micro-finance for women;


  • Inquire into the work of the National Council of Women (NCW) and its sub-national member units, including the appropriateness of the NCW Act, election processes at all levels of the body, funding of the NCW, management of the NCW at all levels, and how the NCW can be most effectively operate to engage women across the country and operate as a voice for PNG women and the issues of important to them;


  • Investigate and report on any such other matters as the committee considers appropriate and relevant to promoting gender equality, women’s empowerment and GBV in PNG at all levels of government and across all sectors.​


Parliamentary Committee Inquiry #1 - 24 May to 26 May 2023


The Parliamentary Committee on GEWE held public hearings from Wednesday 24 May to Friday 26 May. The public hearings were broadcast on the Committee’s Facebook page


Day 1, on Wednesday 24 May, started with testimony from a range of NGO representatives and women’s experts who provided the Committee with insights from the field on the real life experiences of women and girls around the country. The second half of the day reviewed the current GEWE institutions and policies that are supposed to be driving the GEWE agenda across the country. Days 2 and 3 reviewed the Government’s efforts to address gender-based violence (GBV) and sorcery-accusation related violence (SARV). This discussion built on the work of the Special Parliamentary Committee on GBV from the 10th Parliament.


Submissions by sub-national administrations to the Parliamentary Inquiry 

As part of the May 2023 public hearings, the Committee examined the efforts of Provincial Governments to address GBV and SARV. Officials from the  National Capital District, East New Britain and Morobe gave oral testimony to the Committee. In addition, the Committee requested the administrations of all 20 provinces, the National Capital District and the Autonomous Region of Bougainville to provide them with a written statement summarising their provincial plans, structures and activities to address GBV. By the date of the Committee's drafting of their Report to Parliament, 9 submissions from Provincial Administrations were received:


Written submissions to the Parliamentary Inquiry

In addition to hearing oral testimony during the 3 days of public hearings, the Committee invited members of the public to make written submissions on issues related to their Terms of Reference. The following submissions were received from across the country: 



Livestreaming video  from the Parliamentary Inquiry

First Report to Parliament - 5 October 2023


Governor Powes Parkop, the Chair of the Permanent Parliamentary Committee on GBV, tabled the first Report of the Committee to Parliament on 12 August 2021. The Committee produced the Report drawing on the information shared at the May 2023 and July 2023 public hearings, the written submissions received and research by the Secretariat.


The Report includes 29 recommendations for immediate action by the Government. The Committee has flagged its intention to hold additional public hearings to assess the Government's progress implementing their recommendations.



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